
Latin to English Translation
habeo, habere, habui, habitus |
have |
in memoria habere |
keep in mind, remember |
minoris pretii haberre |
care less about |
pro certo habere |
know for certain |
pro hostibus habere |
consider as enemies |
sermonem habere |
have a conversation, talk |
habito, habitare, habitavi |
live |
hac, hae, haec |
see hic |
haereo, haerere, haesi |
stick, cling |
haesito, haesitare, haesitavi |
hesitate |
hanc |
see hic |
haruspex, haruspicis, m. |
diviner, soothsayer |
has |
see hic |
hasta, hastae, f. |
spear |
haud |
not |
haudquaquam |
not at all |
haurio, haurire, hausi, haustus |
drain, drink up |
hercle |
by Hercules! |
heres, herredis, m. f. |
heir |
heir |
yesterday |
heus! |
hey! |
hic, haec, hoc |
this |
hic |
here |
hiems, hiemis, f. |
winter |
hilare |
cheerfully |
hinc |
from here |
Hispania, Hispaniae, f. |
Spain |
hoc, hoc |
see hic |
hodie |
today |
homo, hominis, m. |
person, man |
homunculus, homunculi, m. |
little man, pip-squeak |
honor, honoris, m. |
honour, official position |
honoro, honorare, honoravi, honoratus |
honour |
hora, horae, f. |
hour |
horreum, horrei, n. |
barn, granary |
hortatus |
see hortor |
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum |
encourage, urge |
hortus, horti, m. |
garden |
horum |
see hic |
hospes, hospitis, m. |
guest, host |
hostis, hostis, m.f. |
enemy |
huc |
here, to this place |
huc illuc |
here and there, up and down |
huic, huius |
see hic |
humilis, humile |
low-born, of low class |
humus, humi, f. |
ground |
humum |
to the ground |
hunc |
see hic |
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