MythNET has been designed to educate the world about Greek and Roman
mythology through the new medium of the Internet. We have constructed one of the
FIRST fully interactive mythological websites on the Internet. It is our
hope that in future this will encourage and allow teachers to use the Internet
as a tool for teaching their students - not only about mythology - but all
fields of study. MythNET allows anyone from around the world to access
information about Greek and Roman mythology in a fun and interesting manner. And
because of this, it entices the users of this site to research and learn more
information about a particular myth in the study of mythology.
The main authors of this site, Neil Jenkins, Sumair Mirza and Jason Tsang,
hope that you enjoy browsing through this site.
We are pleased to announce that our site has won first place at the 1997
Ontario Students Classics Conference.
We are pleased to announce that our site was the site of the day as featured
by MSN on April 18, 1998. We would like to thank MSN for the recognition.
We have derived our information from the numerous sources listed below.
- Comte, Fernand. Mythology. W and R Chambers Ltd: Edinburgh, 1991.
- Grant, Michael and Hazel, John. Gods and Mortals in Classical Mythology.
G. & C. Merriam Company: Springfield, 1973.
- Hamilton, Edith. Mythology - Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. The
Penguin Group: New York, 1942.
- Hodge, Jessica. Who's Who in Classical Mythology. Bison Group: Hong
Kong, 1995.
- Microsoft. Encarta 97 Deluxe. Microsoft Corp: Redmond, 1996.
- Stapleton, Michael. The Illustrated Dictionary of Greek and Roman
Mythology. Peter Bedrick Books: New York, 1986.
- Stewart, Randall. Hypermyth - An Electronic Textbook of Classical
Mythology. Longman Publishers: White Plains, 1997.
Aside from the books we used to research the various myths, there are many
sources that we used to compile all of the information for the MythNET
site. Not only do we have to thank the historical literature sources for their
help, but also to the many contributors who took the time to add content to the MythNET
site. The following is an alphabetical listing of all the people who have made
this site a reality. Included (where possible) is a baby picture beside each
Adam Cheung
- Contributed the summary of the Europa myth
- Contributed computer monitor in time of distress
Steven Chong
- Contributed The Trojan War summary
Neil Jenkins
- One of the main authors of this site (Always there to get us
working again, instead of scarfing down pizza)
Catherine London
- Contributed the Atalanta summary
- Supplied pictorial references
Sumair Mirza
- One of the main authors of this site.
Jason Tsang
- One of the main authors of this site (ask him anything about
Melody Yiu
- Contributed the Perseus summary
Mr. Walters
- Our teacher for Latin and all other classical studies