
Latin to English Translation
ubi |
where, when |
ubique |
everywhere |
ulciscor, ulcisci, ultus sum |
take revenge on |
ullus, ulla, ullum |
any |
ultimus, ultima, ultimum |
furthest, last |
ultio, ultionis, f. |
revenge |
ululo, ululare, ululavi |
howl |
umbra, umbrae, f. |
shadow, ghost |
umerus, umeri, m. |
shoulder |
umquam |
ever |
una cum + abl. |
together with |
unda, undae, f. |
wave |
unde |
from where |
undique |
on all sides |
unguo, unguere, unxi, unctus |
anoint, smear |
unus, una, unum |
one |
urbanus, urbana, urbanum |
fashionable, sophisticated |
urbs, urbis, f. |
city |
ursa, ursae, f. |
bear |
usquam |
anywhere |
usque ad + acc. |
right up to |
ut |
(1) as |
ut |
(2) that, so that, in order that |
utilis, utile |
useful |
utrum |
whether |
utrum...an |
whether...or |
utrum...necne |
whether...or not |
uxor, uxoris, f. |
wife |
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