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Vocabulary Q

Latin to English Translation

qua see qui
quadraginta forty
quae see qui
quaedam see quidam
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitus search for, look for, inquire
qualis, quale what sort of
quam (1) how
quam celerrime as quickly as possible
quam (2) than
quam (3) see qui
quamquam although
quando when
quantus, quanta, quantum how big
quare? why?
quartus, quarta, quartum fourth
quasi as if
quattuor four
que and
quendam see quidam
qui, quaee, quod who, which
quia because
quicquam (also spelled quidquam) anything
quid? see quis?
quidam, quaedam, quoddam one, a certain
quidem indeed
ne...quidem not even
quies, quietis, f. rest
quietus, quieta, quietum quiet
quingenti, quingentae, quingenta five hundred
quinquaginta fifty
quinque five
quintus, quinta, quintum fifth
quis? quid? who? what?
quid vis? what do you want?
quisque, quaeque, quidque each one
optimus quisque all the best people
quo? (1) where? where to?
quo (2) see qui
quo modo? how? in what way?
quod (1) because
quod (2) see qui
quondam one day, once
quoque also, too
quos see qui
quot? how many?
quotannis every year
quotiens whenever