
Latin to English Translation
nam |
for |
narro, narrare, narravi, narratus |
tell, relate |
nascor, nasci, natus sum |
be born |
natu maximus |
eldest |
traginta annos natus |
thirty years old |
nasus, nasi m. |
nose |
(dies) natalis, (diei) natalis, m. |
birthday |
natus |
see nascor |
nauta, nautae, m. |
sailor |
navigo, navigare, navigavi |
sail |
navis, navis, f. |
ship |
ne |
that...not, so that...not |
ne...quidem |
not even |
nec |
and not, nor |
necesse |
necessary |
neco, necare, necavi, necatus |
kill |
neglegens, gen. neglegentis |
careless |
neglego, neglegere, neglexi, neglectus |
neglect |
negotium, negotii, n. |
business |
negotium agere |
do business, work |
nemo |
no one, nobody |
neque |
and not, nor |
neque...neque |
neither...nor |
nescio, nescire, nescivi |
not know |
niger, nigra, nigrum |
black |
nihil |
nothing |
nihilominus |
nevertheless |
nimis |
too |
nimium |
too much |
nisi |
except, unless |
nobilis, nobile |
noble, of noble birth |
nobis |
see nos |
nocens, gen. nocentis |
guilty |
noceo, nocere, nocui |
hurt |
noctis |
see nox |
noctus |
see nox |
nolo, nolle, nolui |
not want |
noli, nolite |
do not, don't |
nomen, nominis, n. |
name |
non |
not |
nonaginta |
ninety |
nondum |
not yet |
nonne? |
surely? |
nonnulli, nonnullae, nonnula |
some, several |
nonus, nona, nonum |
ninth |
nos |
we, us |
noster, nostra, nostrum |
our |
noto, notare, notavi, notatus |
note, observe |
notus, nota, notum |
known, well-known, famous |
novem |
nine |
novi |
I know |
novus, nova, novum |
new |
nox, noctis, f. |
night |
noctu |
by night |
nubes, nubis, f. |
cloud |
nullus, nulla, nullum |
not any, no |
num? |
(1) surely...not? |
num |
(2) whether |
numero, numerare, numeravi, numeratus |
count |
numerus, numeri, m.l |
number |
numquam |
never |
nunc |
now |
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus |
announce |
nuntius, nuntii, m. |
messenger, message, news |
nuper |
recently |
nusquam |
nowhere |
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